From Salon: the REAL Forgotten Americans

04 February 2017

A new article by Salon makes an outstanding counterpoint to the growing narrative of 'the forgotten Americans' as the white working class voters from the US Midwest. Most poignantly, writer Leonard Steinhorn points out that "in the four presidential elections since 2004, candidates held 46 percent of their general-election visits in just five Rust Belt states — Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa — whereas they held none in Alabama and a grand total of one in Mississippi, and that was a predominantly white rally Trump held in Jackson, miles away from the largely black Delta."

The REAL forgotten Americans of this story are black voters in the South who have fledgling political and economic power, despite their struggles to overcome.

"It’s hard to see hope where there are few jobs, failing schools, ramshackle homes, contaminated communities and a path in life that consigns many to prison rather than prosperity. Unlike their Rust Belt brethren, they never even had a fighting chance at the American Dream."

Read the article in its entirety here.

NoteworthySherry Heinitz